All-Time MIAA Doubles Champions

Discontinued after 2006 season



1896    Zoe Smith and Winifred Hill, Hillsdale
1897 Zoe Smith and Lora Marsh, Hillsdale
1898 Lora Marsh and Mabel Moore, Hillsdale
1899 Zoe Smith and Lora Marsh, Hillsdale



1900    Mabel Moore and Lutie Myers, Hillsdale
1901 Mary Perine and Lena Hunt, Albion
1902 Mary Perine and Elsie DeLamarter, Albion
1903 Leila Soule and Charlotte Shepard, Hillsdale
1904 Leila Soule and Charlotte Shepard, Hillsdale
1905 Gertrude Kamps and Ella Bucknell, Albion
1906 Charlotte Shepard and Vera Myers, Hillsdale
1907 Harriet French and Goldsberry, Hillsdale
1908 unknown, Hillsdale
1909 Harriet French and Merle McIntosh, Hillsdale



1910    Katherine Winslow and Winifred Praeger, Kalamazoo
1911 Rose Foster and Opdycke, Olivet
1912 Helen Pavey and Grace Cone, Hillsdale
1913 unknown
1914 Claire Wight and May Fraser Thompson, Kalamazoo
1915 Claire Wight and Esther DeWater, Kalamazoo
1916 Claire Wight and Esther DeWater, Kalamazoo
1917 No tournament
1918 No tournament
1919 Dorothy Cushman and Dorothy Abbott, Albion



1920    Dorothy Abbott and Helen Cansfield, Albion
1921 unknown
1922 Dorothy Putt and Leta Hamilton, Kalamazoo
1923 Dorothy Putt and Mabel Pinel, Kalamazoo
1924 Armstrong and Oldaker, EMU
1925 unknown



1938    Leona Wheatley and Betty Thomas, Alma
1939+ Thelma Kooiker and Elynor Spaan, Hope, and Lileeth Brouwer and Marion Tysse, Hope



1940    Sally Hinckley and Constance Hamilton, Alma
1941 Anne Robinson and Veronica Ransom, Albion
1942 Ann Garrett and Carol Metzger, Kalamazoo
1943 No tournament
1944 No tournament
1945 No tournament
1946 Mary Pratt and Mary Braithwaite, Kalamazoo
1947 unknown, Hillsdale
1948 unknown
1949 Pat Praeger and Sue Waters, Kalamazoo



1950    unknown
1951 unknown
1952 unknown
1953 unknown
1954 unknown, Albion
1955 Suzie Van Slageran and Alice Warren, Hope
1956 Marge VandenBosch and Trude Bonnema, Calvin
1957 Mimi Johnson and Ann Wagner, Kalamazoo
1958 Mary Foree and Ann Wagner, Kalamazoo
1959 Beverly Klooster and Phylliss Zandee, Calvin



1960    unknown
1961 Joeine Dipple and Deanna Clair, Kalamazoo
1962 Joeine Dipple and Deanna Clair, Kalamazoo
1963 Sue Diller and Adrianne Hartl, Kalamazoo
1964 Diane DeBoer and Mary Groot, Calvin
1965* Mary Westerville and Sue Dasher, Kalamazoo
1966 Tina Roose and Nancy Southard, Kalamazoo
1967 Nancy Southard and Mary Westerville, Kalamazoo
1968 unknown, Hope
1969 Kathy Dombos and Patti Miller, Kalamazoo



1970    Patti Miller and Barb Veenhoven, Kalamazoo
1971 Sue Cutting and Sue Keever, Alma
1972 Lynn Coddington and Carol Jones, Alma
1973 Marjorie Snyder and Mary Yocum, Kalamazoo
1974 Marjorie Snyder and Mary Yocum, Kalamazoo
1975 Marjorie Snyder and Lisa Culp, Kalamazoo
1976 Deb Mapes and Karen Tottis, Alma
1977 Sue Fitzgerald and Merrill Smith, Kalamazoo
1978 Debbie Broene and Patti Doezema, Calvin
1979 Mary Jane Lang and Sue Kandarian, Albion



1980    No league tournament
1981 No league tournament
1982 No league tournament
1983 Jan Boerema and Kris Peterson, Calvin
1984 Tawnie Knottnerus and Jan Boerema, Calvin
1985 Linda Topolsky and Beth Blachut, Kalamazoo
1986 Sara Zerweck and Beth Blachut, Kalamazoo
1987 Kim Baxter and Colleen Sandro, Hope
1988 Laurie Ramsey and Molly Gratwohl, Kalamazoo
1989 Colleen Sandro and Dani Zurchauer, Hope



1990    Dani Zurchauer and Kathy Land, Hope
1991 Jackie Aurelia and Billee Lightvoet, Kalamazoo
1992 Jackie Aurelia & Betsy Hobbs, Kalamazoo
1993 Jackie Aurelia & Billee Lightvoet, Kalamazoo
1994 Jackie Aurelia & Billee Lightvoet, Kalamazoo
1995 Audrey Coates & Wendy Murray, Hope
1996 Eve Halderson & Stephanie Decker, Kalamazoo
1997 Audrey Coates & Becky Lucas, Hope
1998 Jennifer Smith and Erin Sowerby, Hope
1999 Jennifer Smith and Julie Murray, Hope



2000    Jennifer Smith and Julie Murray, Hope
2001 Annie Knish and Natalie Cook, Saint Mary's
2002 Meaghan Clark and Caitlin Kelly, Kalamazoo
2003 Meaghan Clark and Caitlin Kelly, Kalamazoo
2004 Meaghan Clark and Kara Hoorn, Kalamazoo
2005 Emily Stocker and Katie Tornga, Albion
2006 Emily Stocker and Sandy Towler, Albion

Note: From 1896 to 1925, women's tennis was part of the MIAA co-ed tennis championships. See men's tennis for listing of co-ed championship teams.

+In 1939, Hope won both semi finals and did not meet in a doubles final.
*Flight play started in 1965. Winners listed are champion in the first flight. The flight format was discontinued after the 2006 season when a team format was instituted.