MIAA Teams Volunteer at West Michigan Miracle League

MIAA Teams Volunteer at West Michigan Miracle League

Photo Gallery (photos provided by Hope softball)

Photo Gallery (photos provided by Olivet women's basketball)

Kalamazoo baseball story link

Eager to connect with the community, three Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association sports teams helped the West Michigan Miracle League start the 2019 fall season. The three teams were on hand to assist with batting, base-running, and fielding while sharing life-long memories.

On Sept. 8, the Hope College softball team helped the West Michigan Miracle League start the 2019 fall season by volunteering for the three-game schedule at the Art Van Sports Complex in Rockford, Mich.

"Our team loves volunteering at the West Michigan Miracle League each fall," Hope softball coach Mary VandeHoef said. "It's an amazing chance to share our love of softball with kids. The joy we have for playing is something we all share, and is always so evident on that day."

On Sept. 14, Kalamazoo baseball took to the field with Miracle League competitors.

"One of the biggest factors in the way we run our program is to try to have the experience of being a student-athlete at Kalamazoo be about making a positive impact," said Kalamazoo baseball coach Mike Ott. "An impact in the classroom, an impact on the field and an impact in the community. The Miracle League is a special organization and for us to have the chance to be able to make a small positive impact in kids' lives was truly an honor. It was a great experience and I am really proud of the way that our guys threw themselves into the experience to help make the day great for all the kids involved."

Sunday, Sept. 15 the Olivet women's basketball worked with the WMML athletes.

"We are so thankful for organizations like West Michigan Miracle League who allow us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves," said Olivet head women's basketball coach Brittany Zandstra. "Our team had so much fun spending the day with each player and left with a little extra gratitude for the blessings they've each been given."

The Miracle League removes the barriers that keep children with mental and physical disabilities off the baseball field and lets them experience the joy of America’s favorite pastime. Since the main barriers for these adults arise from the natural grass fields used in conventional leagues, Miracle League teams play on a custom-designed, rubberized turf field that accommodates wheelchairs and other assertive devices while helping to prevent injuries.

For more information on the West Michigan Miracle League, visit www.wmml.org; to find a Miracle League in your area, visit www.miracleleague.com.

