Kalamazoo College is a private, four year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences. Founded in 1833, it is among the 100 oldest colleges and universities in the nation, and remains dynamic to this day.
Kalamazoo College does more in four years so students can do more in a lifetime. It offers rigorous academic explorations in the liberal arts and the flexibility to shape non-classroom experiences (study abroad, civic engagement, career internships, social justice, and professional networking) into a résumé that gives students a leg-up for graduate school and employment. The K experience develops the ability to think and solve problems, and we measure those outcomes to continually improve.
The College's 1,461 students come from 42 states and 33 countries. The student-faculty ratio of 12-to-1 allows for small classes and personal attention to individual needs.
Nationally known for the K-Plan, Kalamazoo College also places a strong focus on experiential education: More than two-thirds of students complete an internship or externship, 80-85 percent of students participate in a meaningful, immersive international and intercultural experience in 41 programs in 24 countries, and over half of students participate in course-based or student-led co-curricular service-learning projects.