The Automated ScoreBook

Game Highs & Lows

Conference Individual Highs

2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Conference Individual Highs Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) INDIVIDUAL PLAYER GAME HIGHS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS................... 38 Brandon McClary (Olivet) vs FRANKLIN (12/16/08) 34 Desmond Young (Adrian) vs Catholic Univ. (11/15/08) FIELD GOALS MADE......... 19 Brandon McClary (Olivet) vs FRANKLIN (12/16/08) 14 Desmond Young (Adrian) vs Catholic Univ. (11/15/08) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS...... 26 Brandon McClary (Olivet) vs FRANKLIN (12/16/08) 24 Desmond Young (Adrian) vs MARYGROVE (11/21/08) 24 Jordan Redditt (Alma) vs OLIVET (2/18/09) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE.... .909 (10-11) Matt Wayne (Adrian) at Albion (02/25/09) .900 (9-10) John Mantel (Calvin) vs GRACE BIBLE (11/21/08) 3 PT FG MADE............. 8 Wes Weir (Trine) vs CALVIN (01/31/09) 7 Wes Weir (Trine) vs ALMA (02/07/09) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS......... 13 Michael Staley (Adrian) vs MARYGROVE (11/21/08) 12 Jesse Reimink (Hope) at Wheaton (Ill.) (12/6/08) 12 Wes Weir (Trine) at Northwestern Ohio (12/10/08) 12 Wes Weir (Trine) at Alma (1/14/09) 12 Wes Weir (Trine) vs ALMA (02/07/09) 12 Wes Weir (Trine) at Adrian (2/14/09) 12 Wes Weir (Trine) at Calvin (02/25/09) 3 PT PERCENTAGE.......... .833 (5-6) Andy Clark (Olivet) vs CALVIN (02/14/09) .833 (5-6) Danny Rodts (Calvin) vs TRINE (02/25/09) .833 (5-6) Jesse Reimink (Hope) at Calvin (02/28/09) FREE THROWS MADE......... 14 Andrew Holms (Albion) at Trine (02/11/09) 13 Andre Evans (Olivet) at Ferris State (11/25/08) 13 Michael Staley (Adrian) at Hope (02-17-09) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS...... 21 John Mantel (Calvin) at Albion (01/24/09) 15 Jesse Reimink (Hope) vs ALMA (01-21-09) 15 Andrew Holms (Albion) at Trine (02/11/09) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE.... 1.000 (10-10) Jesse Reimink (Hope) vs CORNERSTONE (11-28-08) 1.000 (10-10) Andre Evans (Olivet) vs Michigan-Dearborn (12/6/08) 1.000 (10-10) Jesse Reimink (Hope) at Alma (2/14/09) 1.000 (10-10) Jesse Reimink (Hope) at Trine (02/21/09) 1.000 (8-8) Andrew Holms (Albion) vs SPRING ARBOR (12/06/08) 1.000 (8-8) Isaac Thaler (Alma) at Northern Michigan (11/22/08) 1.000 (8-8) Isaiah Novak (Kalamazoo) vs Skidmore (1/3/09) 1.000 (8-8) Peter Bunn (Hope) at Olivet (01/07/09) 1.000 (8-8) Peter Bunn (Hope) at Adrian (1/24/09) 1.000 (8-8) Caleb Veldhouse (Calvin) vs ADRIAN (02/07/09) 1.000 (8-8) Jesse Reimink (Hope) vs ADRIAN (02-17-09) 1.000 (8-8) Desmond Young (Adrian) at Olivet (02/21/09) 1.000 (8-8) Kevin Ginther (Alma) at Albion (02/21/09) REBOUNDS................. 17 Michael McClary (Olivet) vs Madonna (12/5/08) 17 Brandon McClary (Olivet) at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) ASSISTS.................. 12 Deon Thompson (Trine) vs HOPE (02/21/09) 11 Michael Staley (Adrian) vs MARIETTA (11/23/08) STEALS................... 6 Andre Patrick (Trine) vs DOMINICAN (ILL.) (11/15/08) 6 Henry McCain (Kalamazoo) vs UNIV. OF CHICAGO (12/06/08) 6 David Krombeen (Hope) at Kalamazoo (01/14/09) 6 Verelle Kirkwood (Kalamazoo) vs ALMA (01/07/09) BLOCKED SHOTS............ 5 David Harmon (Olivet) vs Whitman (11/28/08) 5 Michael McClary (Olivet) vs Madonna (12/5/08) 5 Joe Prepolec (Kalamazoo) vs ADRIAN (02/04/09) 5 Brandon McClary (Olivet) vs KALAMAZOO (02/11/09) TURNOVERS................ 8 Deon Thompson (Trine) at Northwestern Ohio (12/10/08) 8 Ben Jerome (Kalamazoo) at Albion (01/21/09)

Conference Team Highs

2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Conference Team Highs Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) TEAM HIGHS (highest totals made by) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS................... 112 Hope vs JUDSON (12-30-08) 97 Hope vs ADRIAN (02-17-09) FIELD GOALS MADE......... 40 Hope vs JUDSON (12-30-08) 37 Albion at Heidelberg (12/03/08) 37 Olivet vs FRANKLIN (12/16/08) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS...... 77 Albion at Wooster (12/13/08) 76 Olivet at Aquinas (11/19/08) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE.... .674 (31-46) Trine at Franklin (11-18-08) .636 (35-55) Hope vs ADRIAN (02-17-09) 3 PT FG MADE............. 15 Trine vs ALMA (02/07/09) 15 Calvin vs TRINE (02/25/09) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS......... 34 Trine vs DAVENPORT (12/13/08) 32 Trine at Calvin (1/07/09) 32 Alma at Trine (02/07/09) 3 PT PERCENTAGE.......... .786 (11-14) Alma at Albion (02/21/09) .700 (7-10) Calvin at Albion (01/24/09) .700 (7-10) Albion vs HOPE (02/04/09) FREE THROWS MADE......... 33 Albion vs ADRIAN (02/25/09) 30 Albion vs OLIVET (02/07/09) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS...... 42 Albion vs ADRIAN (02/25/09) 37 Albion vs OLIVET (02/07/09) 37 Albion at Trine (02/11/09) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE.... 1.000 (12-12) Olivet vs HOPE (01/07/09) 1.000 (9-9) Kalamazoo vs UNIV. OF CHICAGO (12/06/08) 1.000 (1-1) Kalamazoo vs Taylor-Fort Wayne (11/22/08) REBOUNDS................. 53 Olivet at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) 52 Calvin vs TRINE (1/07/09) 52 Kalamazoo vs ADRIAN (02/04/09) ASSISTS.................. 26 Calvin vs Rockford (12-30-08) 25 Hope vs JUDSON (12-30-08) STEALS................... 17 Kalamazoo vs OBERLIN (12/10/08) 15 Calvin vs GRACE BIBLE (11/21/08) BLOCKED SHOTS............ 14 Olivet vs Whitman (11/28/08) 10 Olivet vs KALAMAZOO (02/11/09) TURNOVERS................ 34 Trine at Northwestern Ohio (12/10/08) 28 Alma at Michigan Tech (11/21/08) FOULS.................... 34 Trine at Concordia (Mich.) (12/2/02) 30 Hope at Wheaton (Ill.) (12/6/08) 30 Trine vs DAVENPORT (12/13/08)

Conference Opponent Lows

2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Conference Opponent Lows Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) OPPONENT LOWS (lowest totals allowed by) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS................... 32 Albion vs KALAMAZOO (01/21/09) 46 Kalamazoo vs OBERLIN (12/10/08) FIELD GOALS MADE......... 9 Albion vs KALAMAZOO (01/21/09) 15 Albion at Alma (1/28/09) 15 Alma vs HOPE (2/14/09) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS...... 38 Albion vs ALMA (02/21/09) 41 Alma vs HOPE (2/14/09) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE.... .205 (9-44) Albion vs KALAMAZOO (01/21/09) .283 (17-60) Hope vs Albion (02/27/09) 3 PT FG MADE............ 1 Alma at Kalamazoo (01/07/09) 1 Albion vs KALAMAZOO (01/21/09) 1 Olivet vs TRINE (02/04/09) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS......... 4 Adrian vs Wentworth Tech (12/18/08) 5 Olivet vs NOTRE DAME (OHIO) (11/21/08) 3 PT PERCENTAGE.......... .071 (1-14) Albion vs KALAMAZOO (01/21/09) .100 (1-10) Alma at Kalamazoo (01/07/09) FREE THROWS MADE......... 2 Hope vs MARYGROVE (12-13-08) 2 Calvin at Kalamazoo (02/21/09) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS...... 6 Calvin at Hope (01-16-09) 6 Alma vs KALAMAZOO (1/31/09) 6 Calvin at Kalamazoo (02/21/09) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE.... .182 (2-11) Hope vs MARYGROVE (12-13-08) .300 (3-10) Calvin vs GRACE BIBLE (11/21/08) REBOUNDS................. 18 Kalamazoo vs Taylor-Fort Wayne (11/22/08) 21 Alma vs ADRIAN (1/17/09) 21 Calvin vs OLIVET (02/27/09) ASSISTS.................. 5 Hope vs TRINITY CHRISTIAN (11-22-08) 5 Hope vs ALBION (01-10-09) 5 Hope vs ALMA (01-21-09) 5 Albion vs KALAMAZOO (01/21/09) 5 Trine vs ALMA (02/07/09) STEALS................... 0 Olivet at Aquinas (11/19/08) 1 Calvin at Adrian (1/14/09) BLOCKED SHOTS............ 0 Several TURNOVERS................ 3 Calvin vs Carthage (12/6/08) 5 Calvin at Hope (01-16-09) 5 Calvin at Alma (2/4/09) 5 Alma at Hope (02-25-09) FOULS.................... 6 Adrian at Trine (01/21/09) 8 Kalamazoo vs Taylor-Fort Wayne (11/22/08) 8 Adrian vs CALVIN (1/14/09)

Conference Team Lows

2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Conference Team Lows Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) TEAM LOWS (lowest totals made by) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS................... 32 Kalamazoo at Albion (01/21/09) 46 Alma at Michigan Tech (11/21/08) 46 Hope vs AQUINAS (11-29-08) 46 Kalamazoo at Washington and Lee (1/2/09) FIELD GOALS MADE......... 9 Kalamazoo at Albion (01/21/09) 12 Alma at Michigan Tech (11/21/08) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS...... 37 Alma at Michigan Tech (11/21/08) 38 Alma at Albion (02/21/09) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE.... .205 (9-44) Kalamazoo at Albion (01/21/09) .255 (13-51) Kalamazoo at Washington and Lee (1/2/09) 3 PT FG MADE............. 0 Kalamazoo vs OBERLIN (12/10/08) 0 Kalamazoo vs Skidmore (1/3/09) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS......... 4 Trine at Franklin (11-18-08) 5 Kalamazoo vs Skidmore (1/3/09) 3 PT PERCENTAGE.......... .000 (0-5) Kalamazoo vs Skidmore (1/3/09) .000 (0-12) Kalamazoo vs OBERLIN (12/10/08) FREE THROWS MADE......... 1 Kalamazoo vs Taylor-Fort Wayne (11/22/08) 2 Kalamazoo vs CALVIN (02/21/09) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS...... 1 Kalamazoo vs Taylor-Fort Wayne (11/22/08) 5 Olivet at Trinity (Tex.) (11/27/08) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE.... .333 (2-6) Kalamazoo vs CALVIN (02/21/09) .364 (4-11) Trine vs Anderson (12-19-08) REBOUNDS................. 17 Alma vs MANCHESTER (11/15/08) 17 Trine at Franklin (11-18-08) ASSISTS.................. 3 Alma at Michigan Tech (11/21/08) 4 Kalamazoo at Washington and Lee (1/2/09) STEALS................... 0 Albion vs SPRING ARBOR (12/06/08) 1 Albion vs Aurora (12/29/08) 1 Adrian vs CALVIN (1/14/09) BLOCKED SHOTS............ 0 Several TURNOVERS................ 5 Hope vs CALVIN (01-16-09) 5 Alma vs CALVIN (2/4/09) 5 Hope vs ALMA (02-25-09) FOULS.................... 6 Trine vs ADRIAN (01/21/09) 8 Calvin at Adrian (1/14/09)

Conference Opponent Highs

2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Conference Opponent Highs Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) OPPONENT HIGHS (highest totals allowed by) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS................... 97 Adrian at Hope (02-17-09) 95 Calvin vs Carthage (12/6/08) 95 Hope vs JUDSON (12-30-08) FIELD GOALS MADE......... 36 Olivet at Ferris State (11/25/08) 35 Hope vs JUDSON (12-30-08) 35 Alma vs KALAMAZOO (1/31/09) 35 Adrian at Hope (02-17-09) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS...... 75 Olivet vs Whitman (11/28/08) 75 Alma vs OLIVET (2/18/09) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE.... .674 (29-43) Hope vs UW-Platteville (3/6/09) .636 (35-55) Adrian at Hope (02-17-09) 3 PT FG MADE............ 18 Calvin vs Carthage (12/6/08) 15 Alma at Trine (02/07/09) 15 Trine at Calvin (02/25/09) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS......... 35 Calvin vs Carthage (12/6/08) 32 Alma at Northern Michigan (11/22/08) 32 Calvin vs TRINE (1/07/09) 32 Trine vs ALMA (02/07/09) 3 PT PERCENTAGE.......... .786 (11-14) Albion vs ALMA (02/21/09) .700 (7-10) Albion vs CALVIN (01/24/09) .700 (7-10) Hope at Albion (02/04/09) .700 (7-10) Hope vs UW-Platteville (3/6/09) FREE THROWS MADE......... 33 Adrian at Albion (02/25/09) 30 Hope at Wheaton (Ill.) (12/6/08) 30 Olivet at Albion (02/07/09) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS...... 42 Adrian at Albion (02/25/09) 37 Hope at Wheaton (Ill.) (12/6/08) 37 Olivet at Albion (02/07/09) 37 Trine vs ALBION (02/11/09) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE.... 1.000 (12-12) Hope at Olivet (01/07/09) 1.000 (9-9) Alma vs MADONNA (12/6/08) 1.000 (7-7) Trine vs St. Joseph's-Brklyn (12/29/08) REBOUNDS................. 57 Albion at Wooster (12/13/08) 53 Kalamazoo vs OLIVET (01/17/09) ASSISTS.................. 28 Olivet at Ferris State (11/25/08) 24 Kalamazoo at Olivet (02/25/09) STEALS................... 14 Kalamazoo vs MARYGROVE (11/24/08) 14 Alma vs MADONNA (12/6/08) 14 Trine vs DAVENPORT (12/13/08) 14 Kalamazoo at Kenyon (12/20/09) 14 Trine at Olivet (02/04/09) BLOCKED SHOTS............ 10 Adrian vs MARYGROVE (11/21/08) 10 Kalamazoo at Olivet (02/11/09) TURNOVERS................ 30 Calvin vs GRACE BIBLE (11/21/08) 29 Kalamazoo vs OBERLIN (12/10/08) FOULS.................... 28 Albion vs ADRIAN (02/25/09) 27 Olivet at Ferris State (11/25/08) 27 Calvin at Albion (01/24/09) 27 Albion at Adrian (1/31/09) 27 Alma at Albion (02/21/09)

Individual Double-Doubles

2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual Double-Doubles Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) DOUBLE-DOUBLE PERFORMANCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brett Asher - ADRIANM .......... 15 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs KALAMAZOO (1/10/09) Will Bowser - HOPEM ............ 17 points, 11 rebounds ................. at Adrian (1/24/09) Matt Brown - ALMAM ............. 24 points, 10 rebounds ................. at Albion (02/21/09) J.C. Cruse - ALBIONM ........... 11 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs SPRING ARBOR (12/06/08) Ryan DeHaan - ALMAM ............ 18 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs Finlandia (12/20/08) 22 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs Finlandia (12/21/08) 13 points, 12 rebounds ................. at Kalamazoo (01/07/09) 12 points, 12 rebounds ................. at Olivet (01/24/09) 11 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs CALVIN (2/4/09) 13 points, 10 rebounds ................. at Trine (02/07/09) Tim Katt - CALVINM ............. 10 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs Geneva (12-29-08) John Mantel - CALVINM .......... 12 points, 13 rebounds ................. at Trinity Christian (12/13/08) 27 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs TRINE (1/07/09) 12 points, 13 rebounds ................. at Adrian (1/14/09) 17 points, 11 rebounds ................. at Hope (01-16-09) 24 points, 12 rebounds ................. at Albion (01/24/09) 15 points, 10 rebounds ................. at Trine (01/31/09) 17 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs HOPE (02/11/09) Henry McCain - KZO-M ........... 10 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs Skidmore (1/3/09) 15 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs ADRIAN (02/04/09) Brandon McClary - OLIVETM ...... 14 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs NOTRE DAME (OHIO) (11/21/08) 12 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs ANDREWS (11/22/08) 25 points, 10 rebounds ................. at Aquinas (11/19/08) 29 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs ALBION (01/14/09) 20 points, 17 rebounds ................. at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) 14 points, 12 rebounds ................. at Adrian (1/28/09) 10 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs TRINE (02/04/09) 16 points, 14 rebounds ................. vs ADRIAN (02/21/09) Michael McClary - OLIVETM ...... 14 points, 14 rebounds ................. vs NOTRE DAME (OHIO) (11/21/08) 18 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs ANDREWS (11/22/08) 11 points, 12 rebounds ................. at Trinity (Tex.) (11/27/08) 20 points, 17 rebounds ................. vs Madonna (12/5/08) 24 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs Michigan-Dearborn (12/6/08) 22 points, 15 rebounds ................. at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) 16 points, 11 rebounds ................. at Calvin (1/21/09) 12 points, 12 rebounds ................. vs ALMA (01/24/09) 10 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs TRINE (02/04/09) 14 points, 15 rebounds ................. at Alma (2/18/09) Chris Nelis - HOPEM ............ 12 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs OLIVET (1-31-09) Jordan Redditt - ALMAM ......... 20 points, 13 rebounds ................. vs Finlandia (12/21/08) Jesse Reimink - HOPEM .......... 17 points, 11 rebounds ................. vs TRINITY CHRISTIAN (11-22-08) 17 points, 12 rebounds ................. vs MARYGROVE (12-13-08) 25 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs JUDSON (12-30-08) 20 points, 13 rebounds ................. vs CALVIN (01-16-09) 13 points, 11 rebounds ................. at Albion (02/04/09) 17 points, 15 rebounds ................. at Calvin (02/11/09) Cory Schneider - ALMAM ......... 13 points, 10 rebounds ................. at Oberlin (12/12/08) Dustin Smith - CALVINM ......... 10 points, 12 rebounds ................. vs KALAMAZOO (01/28/09) 12 points, 10 rebounds ................. vs HOPE (02/11/09)
2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual Double-Doubles Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) No. Name - Team 10 Michael McClary - Olivet 8 Brandon McClary - Olivet 7 John Mantel - Calvin 6 Ryan DeHaan - Alma 6 Jesse Reimink - Hope 2 Henry McCain - Kalamazoo 2 Dustin Smith - Calvin 1 Brett Asher - Adrian 1 Will Bowser - Hope 1 Matt Brown - Alma 1 J.C. Cruse - Albion 1 Tim Katt - Calvin 1 Chris Nelis - Hope 1 Jordan Redditt - Alma 1 Cory Schneider - Alma

Individual 30-Points

2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual 30-Points Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) 30-POINT PERFORMANCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brandon McClary - OLIVETM ...... 38 points ..... vs FRANKLIN (12/16/08) Jesse Reimink - HOPEM .......... 30 points ..... vs IU-SOUTH BEND (11-20-08) Desmond Young - ADRIANM ........ 34 points ..... vs Catholic Univ. (11/15/08) 30 points ..... at Olivet (02/21/09) No. Name - Team 2 Desmond Young - Adrian 1 Brandon McClary - Olivet 1 Jesse Reimink - Hope
2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual 20-Points Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) 20-POINT PERFORMANCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glenn Alfieri - TRINEM ......... 20 points ..... vs OLIVET (01/10/09) Matt Brown - ALMAM ............. 26 points ..... vs OLIVET (2/18/09) 24 points ..... at Albion (02/21/09) Peter Bunn - HOPEM ............. 20 points ..... vs TRINE (1-28-09) 21 points ..... at Calvin (02/11/09) J.C. Cruse - ALBIONM ........... 20 points ..... vs Wis.-Superior (12/30/08) Ryan Clark - KZO-M ............. 24 points ..... at Trine (02/18/09) Ryan DeHaan - ALMAM ............ 22 points ..... vs Finlandia (12/21/08) Andre Evans - OLIVETM .......... 26 points ..... at Ferris State (11/25/08) 21 points ..... vs FRANKLIN (12/16/08) Randall Harris - TRINEM ........ 21 points ..... vs ALMA (02/07/09) 24 points ..... vs ALBION (02/11/09) Andrew Holms - ALBIONM ......... 21 points ..... vs CALVIN (01/24/09) 20 points ..... at Alma (1/28/09) 22 points ..... at Trine (02/11/09) Bill Leising - ALBIONM ......... 23 points ..... vs Aurora (12/29/08) 27 points ..... at Kalamazoo (02/14/09) John Mantel - CALVINM .......... 20 points ..... vs GRACE BIBLE (11/21/08) 27 points ..... at Cornerstone (11-29-08) 24 points ..... vs Carthage (12/6/08) 27 points ..... vs TRINE (1/07/09) 24 points ..... at Albion (01/24/09) 20 points ..... vs ADRIAN (02/07/09) 20 points ..... vs OLIVET (02/27/09) Henry McCain - KZO-M ........... 22 points ..... vs MARYGROVE (11/24/08) 27 points ..... vs OBERLIN (12/10/08) 26 points ..... vs OLIVET (01/17/09) Brandon McClary - OLIVETM ...... 25 points ..... at Aquinas (11/19/08) 25 points ..... vs Whitman (11/28/08) 38 points ..... vs FRANKLIN (12/16/08) 20 points ..... at Northwood (12/30/08) 23 points ..... vs HOPE (01/07/09) 29 points ..... vs ALBION (01/14/09) 20 points ..... at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) 26 points ..... vs ALMA (01/24/09) 22 points ..... at Alma (2/18/09) 20 points ..... vs KALAMAZOO (02/25/09) Michael McClary - OLIVETM ...... 20 points ..... vs Madonna (12/5/08) 24 points ..... vs Michigan-Dearborn (12/6/08) 22 points ..... at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) 21 points ..... vs ADRIAN (02/21/09) Chris Mislan - TRINEM .......... 21 points ..... at Kalamazoo (01/24/09) Jordan Redditt - ALMAM ......... 25 points ..... vs MADONNA (12/6/08) 23 points ..... vs Finlandia (12/20/08) 20 points ..... vs Finlandia (12/21/08) 29 points ..... at Adrian (2/11/09) 27 points ..... vs OLIVET (2/18/09) Jesse Reimink - HOPEM .......... 30 points ..... vs IU-SOUTH BEND (11-20-08) 29 points ..... vs CORNERSTONE (11-28-08) 27 points ..... at Wheaton (Ill.) (12/6/08) 21 points ..... vs GRACE BIBLE (12-12-08) 24 points ..... vs DAVENPORT (12-29-08) 25 points ..... vs JUDSON (12-30-08) 28 points ..... at Olivet (01/07/09) 21 points ..... vs ALBION (01-10-09) 27 points ..... at Kalamazoo (01/14/09) 20 points ..... vs CALVIN (01-16-09) 22 points ..... vs ALMA (01-21-09) 26 points ..... vs TRINE (1-28-09) 20 points ..... vs OLIVET (1-31-09) 26 points ..... vs KALAMAZOO (02-07-09) 25 points ..... at Trine (02/21/09) 25 points ..... at Calvin (02/28/09) Danny Rodts - CALVINM .......... 21 points ..... vs TRINE (02/25/09) Dustin Smith - CALVINM ......... 20 points ..... vs ALMA (1/10/09) Michael Staley - ADRIANM ....... 28 points ..... vs MARYGROVE (11/21/08) 23 points ..... vs BLUFFTON (12/16/08) 23 points ..... vs Albright (12/20/08) 20 points ..... vs ALBION (1/31/09) 22 points ..... vs TRINE (2/14/09) 25 points ..... at Hope (02-17-09) Dave Stasiak - ALBIONM ......... 22 points ..... at Alma (1/28/09) Caleb Veldhouse - CALVINM ...... 24 points ..... vs SPRING ARBOR (11/22/08) Matt Veltema - CALVINM ......... 21 points ..... at Albion (01/24/09) 23 points ..... vs KALAMAZOO (01/28/09) 20 points ..... vs TRINE (02/25/09) Matt Wayne - ADRIANM ........... 20 points ..... at Alma (1/17/09) 23 points ..... at Albion (02/25/09) Wes Weir - TRINEM .............. 22 points ..... vs IU-NORTHWEST (120508) 27 points ..... vs St. Joseph's-Brklyn (12/29/08) 29 points ..... at Alma (1/14/09) 21 points ..... at Kalamazoo (01/24/09) 21 points ..... at Hope (1-28-09) 28 points ..... vs CALVIN (01/31/09) 23 points ..... vs ALMA (02/07/09) Drew Yancey - ALBIONM .......... 23 points ..... vs Wis.-Superior (12/30/08) 20 points ..... at Olivet (01/14/09) 23 points ..... vs TRINE (01/17/09) Desmond Young - ADRIANM ........ 34 points ..... vs Catholic Univ. (11/15/08) 27 points ..... at Mount Aloysius (11/16/08) 26 points ..... vs MARYGROVE (11/21/08) 28 points ..... vs MARIETTA (11/23/08) 24 points ..... at Manchester (11-30-08) 22 points ..... at Siena Heights (12/3/08) 26 points ..... vs Wentworth Tech (12/18/08) 20 points ..... vs KALAMAZOO (1/10/09) 26 points ..... vs CALVIN (1/14/09) 21 points ..... at Trine (01/21/09) 29 points ..... vs HOPE (1/24/09) 20 points ..... vs TRINE (2/14/09) 23 points ..... at Hope (02-17-09) 30 points ..... at Olivet (02/21/09)
2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual 20-Points Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) No. Name - Team 16 Jesse Reimink - Hope 14 Desmond Young - Adrian 10 Brandon McClary - Olivet 7 John Mantel - Calvin 7 Wes Weir - Trine 6 Michael Staley - Adrian 5 Jordan Redditt - Alma 4 Michael McClary - Olivet 3 Andrew Holms - Albion 3 Henry McCain - Kalamazoo 3 Matt Veltema - Calvin 3 Drew Yancey - Albion 2 Matt Brown - Alma 2 Peter Bunn - Hope 2 Andre Evans - Olivet 2 Randall Harris - Trine 2 Bill Leising - Albion 2 Matt Wayne - Adrian 1 Glenn Alfieri - Trine 1 J.C. Cruse - Albion 1 Ryan Clark - Kalamazoo 1 Ryan DeHaan - Alma 1 Chris Mislan - Trine 1 Danny Rodts - Calvin 1 Dustin Smith - Calvin 1 Dave Stasiak - Albion 1 Caleb Veldhouse - Calvin
2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual 20-Rebounds Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) 20-REBOUND PERFORMANCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. Name - Team
2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual 10-Rebounds Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) 10-REBOUND PERFORMANCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glenn Alfieri - TRINEM ......... 10 rebounds ... vs St. Joseph's-Brklyn (12/29/08) Brett Asher - ADRIANM .......... 10 rebounds ... vs KALAMAZOO (1/10/09) 10 rebounds ... at Kalamazoo (02/04/09) Will Bowser - HOPEM ............ 11 rebounds ... at Kalamazoo (01/14/09) 11 rebounds ... at Adrian (1/24/09) 10 rebounds ... at Alma (2/14/09) 10 rebounds ... at Calvin (02/28/09) Matt Brown - ALMAM ............. 10 rebounds ... at Albion (02/21/09) J.C. Cruse - ALBIONM ........... 10 rebounds ... vs SPRING ARBOR (12/06/08) Ryan DeHaan - ALMAM ............ 10 rebounds ... vs Finlandia (12/20/08) 11 rebounds ... vs Finlandia (12/21/08) 12 rebounds ... at Kalamazoo (01/07/09) 12 rebounds ... at Olivet (01/24/09) 11 rebounds ... vs CALVIN (2/4/09) 10 rebounds ... at Trine (02/07/09) 11 rebounds ... vs OLIVET (2/18/09) Lamar Jackson - TRINEM ......... 11 rebounds ... at Northwestern Ohio (12/10/08) 11 rebounds ... vs Anderson (12-19-08) 13 rebounds ... at Albion (01/17/09) 13 rebounds ... vs KALAMAZOO (02/18/09) Tim Katt - CALVINM ............. 10 rebounds ... vs Geneva (12-29-08) John Mantel - CALVINM .......... 10 rebounds ... vs SPRING ARBOR (11/22/08) 13 rebounds ... at Trinity Christian (12/13/08) 11 rebounds ... vs TRINE (1/07/09) 13 rebounds ... at Adrian (1/14/09) 11 rebounds ... at Hope (01-16-09) 12 rebounds ... at Albion (01/24/09) 10 rebounds ... at Trine (01/31/09) 10 rebounds ... vs HOPE (02/11/09) Henry McCain - KZO-M ........... 10 rebounds ... vs Skidmore (1/3/09) 10 rebounds ... vs ADRIAN (02/04/09) Brandon McClary - OLIVETM ...... 11 rebounds ... vs NOTRE DAME (OHIO) (11/21/08) 10 rebounds ... vs ANDREWS (11/22/08) 10 rebounds ... at Aquinas (11/19/08) 10 rebounds ... at Spring Arbor (12/12/08) 11 rebounds ... vs ALBION (01/14/09) 17 rebounds ... at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) 12 rebounds ... at Adrian (1/28/09) 10 rebounds ... vs TRINE (02/04/09) 14 rebounds ... vs ADRIAN (02/21/09) Michael McClary - OLIVETM ...... 14 rebounds ... vs NOTRE DAME (OHIO) (11/21/08) 11 rebounds ... vs ANDREWS (11/22/08) 12 rebounds ... at Trinity (Tex.) (11/27/08) 17 rebounds ... vs Madonna (12/5/08) 11 rebounds ... vs Michigan-Dearborn (12/6/08) 16 rebounds ... at Trine (01/10/09) 15 rebounds ... at Kalamazoo (01/17/09) 11 rebounds ... at Calvin (1/21/09) 12 rebounds ... vs ALMA (01/24/09) 11 rebounds ... vs TRINE (02/04/09) 15 rebounds ... at Alma (2/18/09) Chris Nelis - HOPEM ............ 10 rebounds ... vs OLIVET (1-31-09) Zach Osburn - HOPEM ............ 11 rebounds ... at Wheaton (Ill.) (12/6/08) 11 rebounds ... at Calvin (02/11/09) Jordan Redditt - ALMAM ......... 13 rebounds ... vs Finlandia (12/21/08) Jesse Reimink - HOPEM .......... 11 rebounds ... vs TRINITY CHRISTIAN (11-22-08) 12 rebounds ... vs MARYGROVE (12-13-08) 10 rebounds ... vs JUDSON (12-30-08) 13 rebounds ... vs CALVIN (01-16-09) 11 rebounds ... at Albion (02/04/09) 15 rebounds ... at Calvin (02/11/09) Cory Schneider - ALMAM ......... 10 rebounds ... at Oberlin (12/12/08) Dustin Smith - CALVINM ......... 12 rebounds ... vs KALAMAZOO (01/28/09) 10 rebounds ... vs HOPE (02/11/09)
2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual 10-Rebounds Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) No. Name - Team 11 Michael McClary - Olivet 9 Brandon McClary - Olivet 8 John Mantel - Calvin 7 Ryan DeHaan - Alma 6 Jesse Reimink - Hope 4 Will Bowser - Hope 4 Lamar Jackson - Trine 2 Brett Asher - Adrian 2 Henry McCain - Kalamazoo 2 Zach Osburn - Hope 2 Dustin Smith - Calvin 1 Glenn Alfieri - Trine 1 Matt Brown - Alma 1 J.C. Cruse - Albion 1 Tim Katt - Calvin 1 Chris Nelis - Hope 1 Jordan Redditt - Alma 1 Cory Schneider - Alma
2008-09 Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Assoc. Individual 10-Assists Through games of Mar 09, 2009 (All games) 10-ASSIST PERFORMANCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe Post - OLIVETM ............. 10 assists .... at Albion (02/07/09) Michael Staley - ADRIANM ....... 11 assists .... vs MARIETTA (11/23/08) Deon Thompson - TRINEM ......... 10 assists .... at Kalamazoo (01/24/09) 12 assists .... vs HOPE (02/21/09) No. Name - Team 2 Deon Thompson - Trine 1 Joe Post - Olivet 1 Michael Staley - Adrian